However what I did was was officially installed 4.3 through the Nintendo updater (which I think bumped my IOS58 into IOS61), then I reinstalled the HBC through the Hackmii app within HBC (which brought it back to IOS58). Being in HBC, select Priiloader and click Load.
You can manually install the benefits of 4.3, without official updating (you'd have to look that up). If the MMM open to start the Wii, delete sd: bootmii from your SD card. Some Wii games require System Menu 4.3 There is a way to have both. Now use the database and navigate to IOS -> IOS58 -> v6175 and start the NUS Download. What I know is this: Some homebrew apps require IOS58. Then I just clicked 'install HBC.' It suppose it overwrote the old files. backups are now included in syscheck updater guides when updating the HBC or Bootmii. The tricky part was that there was no icon for Hackmii, I just had to guess, by clicking on a blank square. ModMii is able to download all the files needed to modify ANY Wii.
3ds max 2009 keygen 32 bit free download torrent. To install Hackmii I extracted the Hackmii rar into my apps folder on my sd card. I had to install Hackmii, and install HBC again, through that.
There never was a Wii system update for this, the fixed IOS versions can only be found on a Wii U. Must I re-install HBC? How do I do that on 4.3? Edit: Figured it out. Despite all of the anti-reverse-engineering tricks we put into our last installment of the HackMii Installer, Nintendo managed to find the IOS exploit we used to install The Homebrew Channel and fix it sometime within the last two years. Some research leads me to believe I must reinstall the HBC.

How can I change it to run on IOS58? I tried running the IOS58 installer, but it just says 'Installation failed.' I already have the Homebrew Channel 1.0.8, but it's running on IOS61. Extract both the exploit and HackMii installer in an. Here's what it says: HackMii v1.2 installer starting up PVR 00087200 running under IOS 36 rev 0x412 33 titles are installed Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300. Installing the Homebrew Channel (HBC) on the Nintendo Wii U's Wii Mode using the HackMii Installer and Smash Stack Exploit. These can install versions of Homebrew Channel, BootMii (IOS and boot2) and DVDX. Installing the Homebrew Channel (HBC) on the Nintendo Wii U's Wii Mode using the HackMii Installer and Smash Stack Exploit. txt file with the name 'Installer', has been created on the SD card.